Guys!beware of recent car theft back in Malaysia alrite!juz recently on the 19th of March, a civic eg number plate wfc 400 was stolen from him and then juz exactly ten days later,another civic ek that belongs to another fren of mine number plate weq 3366 was stolen from him and both happened rite outside their guys!plz be very careful!from more info and tribute to these two beautiful cars,click here!
in the mean time these are sum photos on the EK and EG..!
and seriously guys!take a really good care of ur car now!dun let it be too late to be saved..
nah!!!!here u go charmaine wong!dun tell me u wont read my blog cuz its all filled up wif things about me n my gf lor!!!damn evil rite u! i see wat else u have to say..
its been really long since has been updated and i think that its time this particular blog of my life shud be updated constantly.just a few condition to add to it though.
number 1,this blog is to be privatized soon.the main reason behind it is becuz of the constant annoying anon appearing on my particular blog without any invitation.god knows who the son-of-a-bitch/slutty bitch is but i swear to god if i ever find out who he/she is,that particular anon will regret his/her every action.why comment when it has got nothing to do with you?i guess sum ppl juz doesnt have the chance to have an enjoyable life other than to make others if making constant appearance in my blog isnt enuff,he/she muz also harrass my girl that it hurts so bad,she had decided to make her blog a private one.
number 2,theres no point in making it public to those ppl whom has got nothing to do with my blog those whom has been constant good behaved reader of my blog,plz email me ur email add and i will forward an invitation to you to access
the other things is that the name of the blog will be changed to ask why but i juz thought it would sound better.lolz..anyways,getting back to the update and wat has been happening since the previous update..
went back to m'sia,took summer course back at metro(the place i missed the most),spending 99% of the time wif baby boo,went on a very very memorable trip wif baby boo to phuket(and we are DEFINITELY planning to go back there soon,very very,i promise u that we'll get there sooner than u think we will be..),met up wif the mmec boys,reunited wif my mezz cue after so long(its on the way to perth to be reunited wif me again),spent christmas wif bb angel,baby boo and also superalvin,had an awesome chinese new year,put on 20+ kg,met new and wonderful frens along the way,has bits of ups and downs and also loads other stuffs..coming back to perth,juz to discover 3 frens that i never thought i would ever met.
daniel,kenny alex;thanks for the wonderful frenship i'm enjoying rite now and god bless u guys..spending almost everyday since the day we met each other(except for daniel where i knew him back at metro) has been a lil gay but it was fun..lolz..all the ups and laughters and jokes and playfullness and also fun has been great..these ppl has made me take my mind off baby boo(not really) or else i would be rotting at home being heartbroken and stuffs..
other than that,its the easter hols,went to cottesloe beach,swan valley(choc factory,vineyard, whiteman(wildlife) park) and we are heading down to mandurah and rockingham for the omellette and also the penguin island and also other amazing shits of perth..lolz..enuff talking,pictures galore coming up..
done by baby boo..beautiful and sweet isnt it?loving u dear..
the missus,the mister,and the "bitch" =P
the image painted a thousand words.. =)
at palette pallette
the rose that symbolizes my love for you..
the last photo together b4 heading back down under
the one and only that holds the keys to my heart,soul and mind..
our "baby" together.
the beautiful couple,everlasting and eternal love..
thats all for now and the moment..btw,have u guys read a book by cecelia ahern titled "p/s i love you"?to those who hasnt,plz read those who has,i hope that the book change the way u look at life and love,sweetness and the bitterness of it,living with and without ur loved ones and what life will be if we lose our better changed me.and i can only thank 3 person for changing me..number one,god himself for giving me the chance to read it.number 2 the author herself that wrote this wonderful book that was made into a motion picture which i havent had the chance to watch yet but if you do get the chance,watch it n tell me how it was..the third and last person that i would like to thank is the person that passed this book to me,the person who persuaded me to act read the book,which i'm glad i did,and that person is my lil baby boo..
baby boo,thanks for not giving up on me when times get hard,thanks for stil loving even though knowing my weaknesses and strengths,thanks for still willing to give me chances after chances even though i never knew how to appreciate it till i read the book,thanks for all the sacrifices and suffering you had to endure just by loving i told you(baby boo) before,i read the book the moment i entered the terminal after saying goodbye to you.i cried at every chapter i turned to(i'm not embarrassed to admit that i did),missing u and wishing that you would be there at every step i take,everywhere i turn and go,and everytime i cried i wished that you were there to take me in ur arms,wiping my tears away and whispering to me in my ears saying that everything will be alrite and nothing will boo,i love you,and i really mean it..i love you with every breath i take and every step i walked..i love you darling,and i would want to spend every single moment of my entire life loving and being loved by you..thank you for everything and i juz wanna say that i love you..
the kisses and smiles that brought and kept us together..
baby,here's a video for you,a song which i'm still trying to learn to sing so taht i can sing it for u when i get back..lolz..i hope u love it and all i wanna say is that....
Gary Chao Ge - Count till five and promise me ( 数到五答应我)...
"Di yi chi kan jien ni jiu wei ni xing dong Chong ming de wo, zhen neng gou rang ni zhou Di er chi kan jien ni wo ji ran shi kong, shi wo de chuo ching ni yuen liang wo Di san chi kan jien ni xiang yao gao shu ni wo zhen de ai ni shi zhen de ai ni Di shi chi kan jian ni wo you sie yao chiu xi wang ni neng go an an jing jing de ling ding
Yi rang wo bao hu ni Er rang wo zhao gu ni San shuo you de yao chiu bu neng dang zhuo you xi Shi jie shou je ming yuen Wu yong yuen bu fen li Zhui hou yi ge, yi ding yao shuo ni yuen yi..."
i'm talkative,extremely crappy,over-friendly,huge eater,Baskin Robbins lover,Nike fan,hearts Man Utd for LIFE(!!!),big pooler and all that adds up to me!can be sarcastic,in a bad temper and also can dunt say a word for weeks depending on mood. *god bless*