arriving on thursday,i left with a heart as heavy as the earth itself.the fact that i'm leaving my loved one behind,it was sumthing i didnt and wouldnt do in a million years.yet,for the sake of my future,i had too..leaving klia at 9.30 am,the plane was delayed for bout an hour b4 we finally was bye bye kl for me..the long long flight was boring but luckily i had sum on board entertainment to keep me at bay..i got to watch disturbia on show that has yet to be shown in was it ppl!
i had to wait for about 30 minutes b4 i could collect my luggage and then spent about an hour in the immigration/customs cuz they were searcing my bags and!!do i look like sum drug dealer to u?!?!??!!fuck man!but luckily the officer was a nice person and was talking to me bout staying here and how's perth all about..nice bloke.
sean picked me up and then adjourned to his house where i met up wif desmond and the rest of sean's housemate.,at nite we went to vic park for diner at this place called "makan2".a place opened by asians for me.the food portion here is so huge that my goal to lose weight has juz gone in to plate of fried rice can feed derek & me but we will be so full we can walk..being the kiasu and cheapo(that blardy plate of rice cost me $7.80) that i am,i finished the entire thing myself..after that we adjourned to one of the most happening place in perth-the Burswod Casino..!!lolzz..that place was fucking pack and it was filled wif hot chicks(dun worry bb..i still love u and prefer u over them..muacks..)
stayed there till bout 3 b4 picking sean's housemate from work.we went back after that..
on friday morning, went to uni to re-enrolled but it was closed.alas,it was 5 pm..hahaa.and over here,the latest they open is shops i meant.and then we took the bus from uni to vic park again cuz sean needed to settle his stuffs at the bank..i cant set up a bank account cuz i forgotten my passport..stupid me..anyway,after that went to the city to meet up wif desmond and then walk around the was fun,there was street entertainer all the yea.its fun..
after that we went back home and then about 1+ went to a bar in the city wif a few of other frens and ppl i dun know..drink abit less than half a cup fo chivas and im done..after they had a session at the house where i spent the nite sleepin on the sofa which was pretty much comfortable..
woke up on a saturday and then rowena(sean's housemate) took me for abit of grocery shopping..which was fun..hahahhaa...
and then stayed home the entire nite..and now the next day here i am blogging again..
thats my life here..after this i'm heading to an autosalon in the tech centre for fun.yup!its a car show..dun worry matter how good they are,they cant be better than us rite??pic for this show will be up the moment i get back.. =)
the boys and me =)...missing u guys too!
the family
a special note for the special loved one:
dear bb,
life has been empty without you next to me..i was so used to u being around me,with me,beside me wherever i go..without u here,i can only use my imagination and re-use the feeling i always ahd whenever ur wif me..since the day i set foot here,my mind had nothing in it except u..all i can think of is u and nothing else.
everywhere i go,everything i do,i wished u were right here wif me..every corner of the street that i go,every footstep i took,everything and everywhere i go,i see u,and i feel u rite here next to me..
i miss ur hugs and kisses that warms my cold body and heart..i miss ur smile that brightens up my day no matter wat happens,i miss ur beautiful eyes that keeps me seeing stars over and over again..b,i love u and i cant stop thinking of u..i really wished u over here wif me cuz i relly need u here & i cant imagine life without u next to me.i miss u bb,i miss u i wished i was back there wif u huggin u...i miss u my love...
i need u
have faith in me that when i come back,i'll stil be the same person and stil love u..i love u and i thank god ur mine..i cant ask for more off u..i love u and thanks for loving me.i love u..thank u bb.
i miss you..
p/s: i stil cant stop tearing whenever i think of u my love...missing u..
and i love you for who u are..
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