Lily saw my post and she blasted me for that.No,it wasn't because of me de-faming her,but it was beacuse of Tim Danker..
Yup,i got blasted because i forgotten Tim's actual nick name..Tim i'm sorry..sincerest aoplogies.
according to Lily,Timothy Danker is not know as riceboy,but known more commonly as thumbelina dongkerbell and also Timoly(lil'y personal name for him)..Tim,anything do not look for me.look for lily instead..she's responsible for everything said and done here..
p/s:Tim's also known as nam heong..peace..
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
*You're still the one*
You're still the one
that i want to love forever and ever..
You're still the one
that i want to wake up with every morning
and snuggle up with every nite,
the one i would want to share my dreams with..
You're still the one
that i want to build castle in the air with,
the one whose hand i hold when i;m afraid,
whose soulders i lean on when i need support..
You're still the one
i want to encourage to make you own dreams come true,
the one i want to comfort when you need a source of strenth
and the one i always want to hold close to my heart.
You're stil the one,
was the one,
forever the one,
and the only one that i want to love forever..
You're still the one..
-Renee Duvell-
p/s:i love you.. =)
that i want to love forever and ever..
You're still the one
that i want to wake up with every morning
and snuggle up with every nite,
the one i would want to share my dreams with..
You're still the one
that i want to build castle in the air with,
the one whose hand i hold when i;m afraid,
whose soulders i lean on when i need support..
You're still the one
i want to encourage to make you own dreams come true,
the one i want to comfort when you need a source of strenth
and the one i always want to hold close to my heart.
You're stil the one,
was the one,
forever the one,
and the only one that i want to love forever..
You're still the one..
-Renee Duvell-
p/s:i love you.. =)
*that time of the semester*
Its that time of the semester again where clubs and pubs will not be the hottest hanging out spot,the library and McD becomes the lastest(and for a short period of time) place where we all will be sitting and stressing over shits(exams),where the books and lecture notes will be our best frens,where the librarian will seem to look so familiar that you'll be thinking "is she the new librarian",the time where we will all be so stressed up to the point that our head tells us to call it quits and its time to relax and where we all bitch about all these exams and tell ourselves "if only i went for tuts and lectures and paid more attention in classes,all these stressful shit would never happen..." and all those stuffs.
yup,its the exams period once me,nothing changed although i'm in Perth.Books are stil my new-and-soon-to-be divorced new frens,library has been my favourite hanging out spot,where i curse my arse off on this and that and bitch about this and that once again.i spent more money on Red Bull,coffees,tea and cigg rather than least i know that this is the best diet plan that i can reconsider in the near future.
the only diff is that i miss certain things that i used to do during these times.back then,at these time,i would be in McD studying my arse off,asking thee khye and jason to teman me at McD's,where we'll spend hours talking bout nothing but shits that has absolutely nothing to do with the exams and then talking and boasting bout how we would trash each other arses on the fossball table and pool table.i remembered semesters back(when i was stil in metro),stil fresh from organising autofiesta,i was so screwed.i stressed myself up but enjoyed myself at the same times because of the great companionships i had at the particular time.
thee khye and jason(the inseparable couple) would be talking and shooting each other wif stuffs and shit and comparing their ability and skills in playing dota.Sean,Tim and marco and nick will be calling each other names.tim(rice boy),marco(the president),sean(the VP), and nick(wats ur nick name again?sorry i forgotten..wait!you didnt have any do you?) would be going at war with each other about the thespians and the infamous klang-subang war.derek(ho-ho-ho) will always(and forever) be late for appointment.Derek,i think you shud be given an award,an award meant for those whom are so patriotic.Derek,if other ppl are still trying to define malaysian,all they have to do is look you up and they will find the answer.with the malaysian timing that you always practise,you are a true malaysian.
the MMEC boys are unforgetttable as well.the botak fella always yelling and screaming(juz kidding bai yi!) at us,chandra the blur stoned look on his face whenever u see him in the morning,eddy yee(the new mr. tan) always taking so much good perfect care for his car,benson will be talking bout nothing but exhibitors for 99% of the time i saw him,then tim will be smoking and puffing away with his malboro lights,derek(as said,malaysian timing),justin talking bout every single thing under the sun,lily(the legendary lily,i juz cant missed her) the alcoholic girl going crazy when she sees beer,sharyl(the founder and the president of tHE AAC blog and society and also the lifetime president for the A.S.G.O club.sharyl,drop a line if u duno wat A.S.G.O is),ALWAYS whining and complaining about every single thing(but she's just adorable),nick always serious about his job as though its a matter of life and death,and who else?to those that i did not mentioned,i'm really really sorry as i'm dead hell tired but yet blogging cuz it just suddenly came(the feeling of blogging).
and then there's anita paul,always smiling,guiding,advicing,cheering us whenever we(everyone she knows) are going thru tough times,then there's the new mother yee yee,always nagging bout this and that and a typical housewife and mother and lady..lolz..juz kidding yee yee.and then there's shah,always giving us teh ideas and i somehow or rather feels that he's an angel sent from someone to us..lolz..
i duno but i really miss those times that i spent in metro.i wished times could be like that over here but i know that it just can't.there's one more person i however would love to mention.someone that has been supporting me in everything i do,giving me the strength,courage,belief,conidence and everything i need to pull things off,always advicing me,forgiving me and best of all,loving me for who i am and what i am not.

Bb,you have been everything to me and u mean the world to me.In ppl's eye,they believed that we wouldn't make it thru but we did.i juz hope that u understand how much i love you and i really missed every single happy,beautiful and special breathtaking moment we spent u said,its just a month away and we'll reunite under the beautiful moonlit skies and the beautiful memories and feelings that kept us going on and on and on......

thank you for everything that you've done for me,the patience u showed me,the courage that you gave me,the srength you passed me,the memories you gave me,the countless times you reassured me,and the undying and unlimited love that you showered me..i love you dear and i'm missing you very much even though i dont mention it.i love you dear,always and forever..

p/s:i'm off to the farm to work this thursday.cows,vegetable,insects,the sun and the heat,and the soils will be my new best frens..
yup,its the exams period once me,nothing changed although i'm in Perth.Books are stil my new-and-soon-to-be divorced new frens,library has been my favourite hanging out spot,where i curse my arse off on this and that and bitch about this and that once again.i spent more money on Red Bull,coffees,tea and cigg rather than least i know that this is the best diet plan that i can reconsider in the near future.
the only diff is that i miss certain things that i used to do during these times.back then,at these time,i would be in McD studying my arse off,asking thee khye and jason to teman me at McD's,where we'll spend hours talking bout nothing but shits that has absolutely nothing to do with the exams and then talking and boasting bout how we would trash each other arses on the fossball table and pool table.i remembered semesters back(when i was stil in metro),stil fresh from organising autofiesta,i was so screwed.i stressed myself up but enjoyed myself at the same times because of the great companionships i had at the particular time.
thee khye and jason(the inseparable couple) would be talking and shooting each other wif stuffs and shit and comparing their ability and skills in playing dota.Sean,Tim and marco and nick will be calling each other names.tim(rice boy),marco(the president),sean(the VP), and nick(wats ur nick name again?sorry i forgotten..wait!you didnt have any do you?) would be going at war with each other about the thespians and the infamous klang-subang war.derek(ho-ho-ho) will always(and forever) be late for appointment.Derek,i think you shud be given an award,an award meant for those whom are so patriotic.Derek,if other ppl are still trying to define malaysian,all they have to do is look you up and they will find the answer.with the malaysian timing that you always practise,you are a true malaysian.
the MMEC boys are unforgetttable as well.the botak fella always yelling and screaming(juz kidding bai yi!) at us,chandra the blur stoned look on his face whenever u see him in the morning,eddy yee(the new mr. tan) always taking so much good perfect care for his car,benson will be talking bout nothing but exhibitors for 99% of the time i saw him,then tim will be smoking and puffing away with his malboro lights,derek(as said,malaysian timing),justin talking bout every single thing under the sun,lily(the legendary lily,i juz cant missed her) the alcoholic girl going crazy when she sees beer,sharyl(the founder and the president of tHE AAC blog and society and also the lifetime president for the A.S.G.O club.sharyl,drop a line if u duno wat A.S.G.O is),ALWAYS whining and complaining about every single thing(but she's just adorable),nick always serious about his job as though its a matter of life and death,and who else?to those that i did not mentioned,i'm really really sorry as i'm dead hell tired but yet blogging cuz it just suddenly came(the feeling of blogging).
and then there's anita paul,always smiling,guiding,advicing,cheering us whenever we(everyone she knows) are going thru tough times,then there's the new mother yee yee,always nagging bout this and that and a typical housewife and mother and lady..lolz..juz kidding yee yee.and then there's shah,always giving us teh ideas and i somehow or rather feels that he's an angel sent from someone to us..lolz..
i duno but i really miss those times that i spent in metro.i wished times could be like that over here but i know that it just can't.there's one more person i however would love to mention.someone that has been supporting me in everything i do,giving me the strength,courage,belief,conidence and everything i need to pull things off,always advicing me,forgiving me and best of all,loving me for who i am and what i am not.

Bb,you have been everything to me and u mean the world to me.In ppl's eye,they believed that we wouldn't make it thru but we did.i juz hope that u understand how much i love you and i really missed every single happy,beautiful and special breathtaking moment we spent u said,its just a month away and we'll reunite under the beautiful moonlit skies and the beautiful memories and feelings that kept us going on and on and on......

thank you for everything that you've done for me,the patience u showed me,the courage that you gave me,the srength you passed me,the memories you gave me,the countless times you reassured me,and the undying and unlimited love that you showered me..i love you dear and i'm missing you very much even though i dont mention it.i love you dear,always and forever..

p/s:i'm off to the farm to work this thursday.cows,vegetable,insects,the sun and the heat,and the soils will be my new best frens..
Thursday, November 1, 2007
i'm really sorry for the long long layoff from upadting this crappy blog.i'm really sorry for those followers of poolerbuoy.blogspot and i'm really sorry..the reason the updates hasn't been coming in is due to the fact that i;ve been really busy with all my assignments,presentations and all the mid sem tests and simpler terms?in 1 week=1 mcq test,2 assignments due,2 presentations all in a space of 5 days?thats how busy i was.
the otehr reason was due to the fact that i've lost then connectivity cable for this trusty phone of mine and because of that,i juz cant put up the photos from my phone and on to this blog.
so why suddenly i decided to psot sumthing today?is it cuz i'm finally free from all the uni crappy stuffs and shit?wrong..did i finally found my cable?wrong again..i was watching this video from youtube and then i cam across this video by(WARNING:MIGHT BE CONSIDERED GAY TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS THAT HATES BOYBAND AND CONSIDERS THEM GAY.IF U HAPPEN TO FALL IN THIS PARTICULAR CATEGORY,PLZ GET OUT OF the backstreet boys.they recently came out with a new song and i find it quite interesting...i duno about u me gay(my gf would certainly testify against that),call me pussy(perform a body check on me if u please),call me sissy(i've got no comment on that) but i juz find a liking to this guys,enjoy..
"...Baby I don't want to waste another day
Keeping it inside is killing me
'Cause all I ever want, it comes right down to you, to you
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable.."
p/s:i'm gonna be home soon...soon... =)
the otehr reason was due to the fact that i've lost then connectivity cable for this trusty phone of mine and because of that,i juz cant put up the photos from my phone and on to this blog.
so why suddenly i decided to psot sumthing today?is it cuz i'm finally free from all the uni crappy stuffs and shit?wrong..did i finally found my cable?wrong again..i was watching this video from youtube and then i cam across this video by(WARNING:MIGHT BE CONSIDERED GAY TO CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS THAT HATES BOYBAND AND CONSIDERS THEM GAY.IF U HAPPEN TO FALL IN THIS PARTICULAR CATEGORY,PLZ GET OUT OF the backstreet boys.they recently came out with a new song and i find it quite interesting...i duno about u me gay(my gf would certainly testify against that),call me pussy(perform a body check on me if u please),call me sissy(i've got no comment on that) but i juz find a liking to this guys,enjoy..
"...Baby I don't want to waste another day
Keeping it inside is killing me
'Cause all I ever want, it comes right down to you, to you
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you every time you leave
I'm inconsolable.."
p/s:i'm gonna be home soon...soon... =)
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