ever wondered wats the definition of idiot when everyday ppl seems to be running around calling their frens that very "idiot" word?according to dictionary.com,an idiot is defined as... click here.
thats according to dictionary.com though.my definition is definitely as simple as hers..wat is it?just like her,juz the opposite...my definition of idiot...(scroll down)
ladies and gentlemen,meet kelly a.k.a kelson a.k.a one legged shihtzu or rather one legged kelly on my blog..there u go..L&G,meet miss kelson!
this is kelson...ooppps!sorry.i meant kelly =)

wat makes her an idiot?there has always been a saying that it takes one to know another.if this is a person that can go around labelling every1 she sees and idiot,according to the saying,wold that make her one?u be the judge..
picture number 2 of idiot kelson

and the next photo is a lil disturbing..a monster wif ugly painted nails..

and ever wondered if batman has a faithful sidekick in robin,would miss kelson here have one?of couz she would..this would be in the ever pretty,garang-faced,nice,"sweet" miss belle...
miss belle

i'm done here..*fullstop* =)
Hello there I'm just dropping in to say hi and introduce myself! Im a avid computer geek that came upon this forum and hope to become an active member soon! So if you come up with any computer questions feel free to ask. Otherwise see you all on the boards.
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
I would appreciate more visual materials, to make your blog more attractive, but your writing style really compensates it. But there is always place for improvement
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