as i've promised in my previous post this is my review,complaints and also sweet memories from the year ended yea..many tings kinda happened in the year so i'm gonna break it down into the 12 months of the year which means there will be 12 different post..its gonna be kinda long and windy but i hope i dun bore u guys to death..and its gonna be accompanied by photos from that particular month...
January 2006
-to start off with,i spent my new year at home..yea was sick and thats was also the month where i made a decision that i was hoping i never will regret..a decision that might juz change my whole life..i was about to juz step into Metropolitan College and to sign up there..there were many things goin thru my mind..would i be able to adapt to the culture there?how many frens will i make there?will i even make any?i hope so..will it be the same at taylors?? i did signed up and i swear to god this place was a totally different place from where i studied b4 this!this place is absolutely phenomenal!!!and seriously!all this made me wished i was here for my foundation as well..!!hahhaa..ok!next!other than this..nothing lets move on to the following month!
my beloved college.. =)

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