Tuesday, January 30, 2007

juz another worst day of my life..

i woke up this morning knowing that i'll have one assignment done and with another 2 more to go..like i said in my earlier posts,i havent been feeling good or rather feeling myself lately and this was juz sumthing that i looked forward too in weeks..

upon arrival in coll,i was rather good.chilling,tired as usual and so on..until i called sean..he told me that our CB assignment was due at 9.30am and the time then was 9.14..isnt that a great start to a day??the best thing was that my assignment was with another group mate of mine and he was juz leaving his house..isnt it like the most "beautiful" day ever?? =)

after all those commotion,i found out that almost all my classmates didnt know that at all.did she mentioned to us?i duno but i for one didnt heard her..if 1 was wrong,its acceptable..but wat if the whole class is wrong?who's mistake could it be then??i dont know..all i know i was beyond boiling point..i was juz about to shout at someone who crosses my path..

alvin was here around 9.20..great..10 minutes to work on everything including printing,binding,correcting,burning into cd,and handing up to her..great!from a race to complete the assignment till a race against time to hand it to her!a particular group member whom was already very "helpful" enuff thru out the whole duration of the assignment,didnt make matter any worst by complaining and commenting..basically nothing but bullshit came out of this particular person's mouth.i juz wished i could stuff all the soil from the ground and into this person's mouth.i asked this person to bind the blardy assignment she came back with it stapled and taped..when asked why wasnt it bind she told me that this was another type of binding.i was so pissed i didnt say a single word the whole day.

going into CB class,i thought things would start to get a least a lil' better.how was i to know i was jus to about to be hit wif another great news..guess wat..remember my previous post on how i did badly for my CBtest 1,i did badly alrite..how does 9/30 sound to u?fuck man!enuff of being sarcastic already!i juz wana let it all out now..

fuck Ian for making the test farking hard,fark the world and those ppl who created assignments,fuck also those people who made my life a blardy "beautiful" one this past couple of weeks and also screw the bitch that made completion of my group assignment a living hell!off to hell this bunch of peeps!

best of all,one of the lowest in class and my hopes of passing this blardy paper hang in the balance..god bless me man!bless me hard.really really hard!!!

with the group assignment handed up,i have only the individual and the MCQ exam to pull my marks way up to pass..that really made my day man!at least i had a consolation.my individual CB exam dateline was pushed to the 5th of may..giving me an additional 2 days to do it..

other than tat,life's been a total hell....macro assignment only has a head and no body yet..and was supposed to do it together but abandoned and now i have to do it alone..thanx..now i've to start hunting references from the net,library and have to start reading aussie biz week and times magz juz to fulfill wat she asked us to do during tutorials besides the prescribed text..

anyway,went for MMEC meeting today and presented my proposals and all and i realised several mistake were made..and i;ve gotta alter them b4 handing it in.there;s juz too much to do wif so lil time..i wonder if i can pass both the subjects i'm taking wif all these workloads that is haunting me..i need a break..if possible now..i cant take it any longer.life's juz isnt the way i expeected it to be..

with all the problems i'm facing,sean asked me to read sumthing off his frenster profile which he claims will be able to help me in a way or two..here's how it goes..before u read it,plz understand and contemplate on it..it will help u if u truly read it with ur heart and not ur eyes..thanx sean..god bless.. =)

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson

p/s:i wish things would go better for me in these coming weeks..*fingers crossed*

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