things are getting sweeter n more beautiful for us..without us realising,its been almost a month now..and from the way the both of us feel,we feel like we;ve been together for ages..its gonna be exactly a month from now that i'll be leaving here to further my studies down be exact,Perth Australia.
exams so far has been a i shud breeze thru it,but for econs(market) i think the only way for me to pass that blardy paper is that it sumhow lose itself sumwhere and i'll be given a pass due to the guilty feeling that the examiner has.. =)
so far,visa checked.medical stil waiting,luggages stil not bought yet,let alone attires and stuffs..accomodation,stil pending..god!!i so am nto ready to leave..
i'm gonna miss these places,despite all the shits and bitching i've been saying bout it,i'm stil gonna miss it anyhow..the ppl here,the place,the environment,and most importantly,my bunch of MMEC brothers,those ppl in coll whom i have had much sweet memories with,Rack Cafe,the ppl there,my pool buddies,my family here..and not forgetting,my special one,charlotte..
baby,thanx for making my time here a beautiful and sweet one..god knows wat i would have done without u and god knows,where i would be..cuz of u i soared higher into the skies,i'm stronger than who i thought i really was,believe in myself more than i ever did and became a better person that i thought i would..
thanx for everything...thanx for being here in my now beautiful u B..thanx for everything.. =)

bb,watch till its done(refer to above graphics)..loving u more and more each u B..missing u loads.. =)
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