we went for a movie on friday night..caught up wif orlando bloom,johnny depp and also keira knightly in cineleisure..her sis was supposed to join us but she had other plans in mystique.anyway,it was fun,the movie i meant,so did the company i had thru out the entire movie..out of ten?i'll give it 8.5..a 3 hours movie is juz too long and too hard to handle..
she's rite now in genting catching the sally yeh concert..to be precise,sitting in starbucks wif her sis sipping down her caramel hot chocolate..even though i've been msg and calling her the entire day,my mind juz cant seem to put her aside..i guess,thats wat love is all about..
i remember a saying that goes,i came i saw i conquered..same goes here for her..she came,she saw,and she conquered..thanx for finding me..can never imagine life without you..ur amazing and truly one in a million..love you loads..!!
the special,loving angel of mine =) loving u always..

Dear Darling,
thank you so much for stayin up just to get my things done...i appreciate it...
there's no other way i could show my gratitude to you other than saying thank you again and again...
bb, thank you...
hey Bb..
like i said,its my pleasure to help u out and there's no need to thank me at all..i did it cuz i love u,like i told u..dun worry bout it alrite..?
muacks.. =)
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