Tuesday, March 27, 2007

*what i would have done?*

every girl yearns and dreams for the perfect man to one day walk into her life and then love her just as much as she does for him.same goes for the man.many has had falied relationships,lasting as short as days and as long as eternity.those whom has failed have only one question on their mind.how to make a relationship last forever and till eternity?to me i believe in one thing and only this."eternity" and "forever" is just a word.nothing last forever just as nothing is perfect.

someone once told me that one must go through failure before beginning a journey of success.thus that made me believe it goes the same for love.failed relationships are just part and parcel of love and life itself.thus,nothing last forever my peeps.love is not about loving and be loved by a perfect person,but by loving an imperfect person perfectly.

given a chance,how would i love or rather show the person i love how much i feel for her?below are some of the things that i would do.and btw,those ideas below are not originally designed by yours truly.they are from a bulletin posted by one my my friends in frenster and edited and added some words in it.so yea.i'm not that smart or brilliant after all..those above are original though. =)

1.give her one of my t-shirts to sleep in

2.leave her cute text messages to make her smile because when she does,my heart does too.

3.kiss her in front of my friends to show her that i am not ashamed to be called a guy who loves his gf too much.

4.tell her she looks beautiful just as she always have been.

5.look into her eyes when i talk to her to remind myself of those beautiful eyes which made me fall in love with her.

6.just walk around with her to show her i'll always be by her side.

7.forgive her for her mistakes and hopes that she'll forgive me in return.

8.look at her like she`s the only girl i see because she IS the only girl in my eyes.

9.tickle her even when she says stop just to hear her laugh.

10.hold her hand when i'm around my friends.

11.when she starts swearing at me, tell her i love her.

12.let her fall asleep in my arms and show her that i'm always by her side to shower her with comfort,warmth and also love.

13.get her mad, then kiss her.

14.tease her and let her tease me back to show how stupid and funny we both could be.

15.stay up all night with her when she`s sick to let her know thta be it in times of happiness or sadness,i can and will always be by her side.

16.kiss her forehead.

17.give her the world in order to make her realise that she IS my one and only world.

18.write her letters just as wat romeo did for juliet.

19.let her know she`s important.

20.let her take all the photos she wants for memories sake of me as memories lasts forever.

21.when she`s sad or happy,i'll hang out with her just like always,to let her know in times of happiness or sadness,i'll be wif her all the way.

22.when its raining,i'll kiss her in the pouring rain.

23.when i fall in love with her,i'll tell her just that.

24.and when you tell her, love her like i`ve never loved anyone before.

25.i'll love her and no one else to let her know that she's the one and only in my heart.

there u have it.the things that i'll do for the one girl that i love.i wished i could list down more things than this but then i juz cant.all i can promise her is that i'll love her with all my heart and no one else above her.

p/s:i wish i could be your tear drops,for what more could anyone ask for than to be conceived in your heart,born in your eyes,live on your cheeks,and die on your lips.

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