Monday, February 26, 2007

*not a good day*

there was sumthing that i forgotten to mention in my previous post.something kinda happened to me.i wasnt feeling really well, and when i say these i really mean it.since that day that i got pissed drunk,i've been vomitting(sorry if it sounded gross)all day(and i mean morning and nite) non stop.irregardless or whether i eat anything or not,be it even a drink of water,i'll be sure to throw it up minutes later..average time spent in the toilet throwing up?5-6 times a day?not bad..the only onsolation i get from this is that since this happened,i've managed to lose 2kg..woww!!!not bad..if this is the way god wanna make me lose weight,then so be long as i can lose weight,i dun give a damn. =)

today i was literally a dead man walking.i had to literally be dragged ouuta bed juz to go to coll..dunt blame me.i'm stil in the holiday mood and no one(in coll) ca deny that they me.not a single soul alive would want to be back wroking/studying at this time(after all those mandarin oranges,mahjongs and also gamblings..).

had to be in coll at 8 for the UFP induction.guess wat?just like all other "newbies" in coll,they were innocent looking..the only thing was they were more innocent than the previous bunch.not bad."give them a week, and a week later we shall see all the devils walking amongst them and then we shall then decide if they are as innocent as claimed now..".i quote jason..these were his words.not bad..i used to be like that..innocent the 1st day,devil by the next onwards..

anyway,i really didnt enjoy the meeting today.was feeling very sick and i threw up once again,juz like any other day,several times..but then again,i got used to it no complains..

after all those meeting wif CSO-RSO and also chung seng for the Mr. and Miss Metro thingy, i asked andy to fetch me up.he came...with jason =)

we then headed to McD,sat there for bout an hour or so,and then we then moved to rack..several hours of pool,i got tired and decided to work on the forms and also the flyers..its done(except the flyers) and now here i am updating..wondering when can i ever do all this updating at home..?phone line is up(finally!!!!!) and now juz waiting for the wi-fi to be set up.hopefully it can be done BEFORE i leave for Aust.. =).. anyway god bless u ppl out there and enjoy the remainder of CNY..god bless and bless me even more..thanx guys..btw,wont be updating for some time soon.gonna be busy and a whole lot of ppl will be "butt-f***ing" yea..

its time to play play play!!! =)

p/s:to those who are wondering why the reviews of year 2006 has been stopped,its becuz i cant seem to locate the photos,or i seem to have forgotten wat happened in the following month..forgive me but i promise u it will be up..take care adios guys!!

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