Saturday, February 3, 2007

September 2006

-went for my first metro camp(missed the last 1 becuz of late info by my ever trustworthy sean low..)wanna know the story?here goes..he approached me around march and asked me if i was interested to go for the leadership camp and i was like"okla..golor.."...then he came up with a reply;"but then cannot la i think..becuz full d,no more space so nvm u try next sem la...."..then u ask me for wat!?!?..its ok..its becuz of him that i decide and remember to go for this one..

Pre-departure cam-whoring.. [p0oL3rBuOy],sean-y boy,soo-perstar,biggie thor

let's play spot the poserme n poster girl(now) of metropolitan.. =Pthe future malaysian beach models part Ithe future malaysian beach models part II obscene biatches!cooks of the bbq food for metrocamp.. =Pspot the poser part II...(need a clue?the lollies..) =)fuck-tardsthe humping-machines..the main actor and actresses of metrocamp..

-i also went for the Inti College Day and was also asked to write an article for it(in which i'm stil waiting for it to publish!!anita and tze min had a tough time editing it..! =P)

the posers and the wonderful "kinky" flagbearer

*speechless*look at the guy behind me on the left..noticed his legs??=)

the pimp and the doggy-stylelesbo's =_="

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