as sum peeps have already know,i recently participated in a pool competition at club7 from the 30th Nov till 2nd December..well,joining this event wasnt cheap see my RM50 spreading its "wings" and into the pockets of club7 management wasnt an easy thing to see..the other thing that came into the expense of this tournament was the possibility of missing the birthday plus "wedding" of a good fren of mine,should i make it to the quaters on saturday..seeing the RM50 "flying" into other ppl's pocket was bad enough,let alone missing his birthday..i was like omg!!nvm la.."we see how lor..qualify only talk laa..",i told the first place,i didnt wanna join this tournament at all,due to the fact that i havent really trained for months due to the assignments tat has been thrown to me and the pressure of the finals..
however,after several coaxing and advice and pushing from several others,i decided to juz give it a try..well,trained and trained and with the help of Ceon(thanx bro!take the coupon as ur payments laa..!) i felt that i was at least able to win my first match..confidence level was rising higher.the stress level as there i was at club 7 on a thursday evening to play my first match..well,first competitive game after 6 months has really got my hands shaking endlessly,heart pounding like a horse in a race,legs numb,mind empty,lips itchy,stomach grumbling etc etc ...ok!!i admit,those were exaggerating,and not real facts..thats the only way to keep u guys reading rite??..i was juz a lil nervous and worried thats all..hahaha..
event summary:~
Round 1,p0oL3rBuOy vs unknown opponent1:he is known as unknown opponent 1 as i have really forgotten his name,yet alone his started with tonnes of mistakes i DO NOT usually do on the table;missing silly balls,silly mistakes and all kinda s**T..haiz..thats the effect of coming into an event unprepared..(i learnt my mistake)..after several misses and after few frames,i got back into the driving gear and went on to play my usual game..balls into where they are supposed to be and mistakes got trimmed to its minimum.. FINAL SCORE:p0oL3rBuOy-7,unknown opponent1-4
btw,did i mentioned that Club7 tried to sabotaj my game..they blardy turned on the aircond to its maximum and i was so freezing til my b***s were knocking onto each other like ice blocks..!!wtf!!juz because i'm representing Rack Cafe..juz a lil bit of info,rack cafe and club 7 are rival pool centre,and rack cafe players has won 6 consecutive tournaments tat club7 has organized and i'm pretty sure that they arent too happy bout it..and to make things worst,i was the ONLY rack cafe representative in that competition..the rest were all banned from playing!!!the reason?they all had malaysian rankings or either they are too good..i was like "OMFG!!!" thats the story and my reason on why they were trying so badly to make me lose!!HMPPHHH!!u wish!!bluekkkkk xP anyway,back to event summary..
Round2,p0oL3rBuOy vs unknown opponent 2: again i dunno his name but this i time i remembered how he looked like!the reason,after this summary..i was already warmed up from the first match and was ready to take on anything that comes my way..this fella was juz playing on the table next to mine and from the way i saw it,i felt i could advance to the next round..fortunately for me,things went my way and i manage to scrap through to the next round after some controversial and confusin over calls on the fouls and rules..FINAL SCORE:p0oL3rBuOy-7,unknown opponent 2-4
i qualified for the next round!!omg!!yes!!quaterfinals in my first competition after 6 months!!!woooohooO!!!!i was literally jumping for joy..without wasting anytime at all,i packed and decided to head on to rack for more practise session wif my "coach"..i was there barely 5 minutes when club 7 called me up and they wanted to see me urgently..i was not so fine wif it but decided to go back there instead..when i got there,they asked me to play a rematch of round 2 because it seems my KIASU opponent wasnt happy wif several calls that the referree made and he said that the confusion of rules cost him the game and the chance to win thet competition!!i was like hello!!!!use ur brains aint my fault that the referee was confused and made wrong calls..u lost cuz u blardy played a bad game and very OBVIOUSLY did NOT deserve to win!!!use ur brains and stop being like an old fashioned SINGAPOREAN!!(i really sorry singaporean was juz an expression meant for him,not u guys out there..) and for this,i am not gonna call u an unknown opponent,i'm gonna call u a f**ked-up kiasu bas**rd!!!
Round2{Rematch},p0oL3rBuOy vs f**ked-up kiasu bas**rd:burned wif anger,i decided to finish it off as quickly and to make the score as one-sided as i can..the anger in me drove me to a better game,player, and pool from me.i didnt even bother to shake his hands before the game..i aint gonna dirty my hands plz...the match was faster than i thought couldbe,i played better that i ever had,and possibly,te was done..after juz fifteen minutes..FINAL SCORE:p0oL3rBuOy-5,F**KED-UP BAS**RD 1...p/s:the 1 frame wuz juz a frame of sympathy..!!!
after that match,i juz decided to go back home and sleep..i couldnt take it anymore..wuz juz too tired..
it came saturday,and after several tension moments of speeding back from cheras to subang,i made it to Club7..quaterfinals was soon to begin and to think of making the final was juz unthinkable.i told myself to take it one match as it came..
Quaterfinal,p0oL3rBuOy vs Mr. YY:this guy was act quite nice,the only person that can smile together wif his opponent,and applaud when i make great shots which the whole of club7 says can only be seen on tv..hahahha..i cant help but juz laugh..but unfortunately for him,lady luck smiled on me and said"u better move on to the semifinals and ur on ur own there.!"..FINAL SCORE:p0oL3rBuOy-7,Mr.YY-3
the next match was abit easy as i have this mental advantage of this guy as i've beaten him many times before,be it competition or even simple games..
Semifinals,p0oL3rBuOy vs Faizal:game got was obvious that he was tired as it was his wedding i think,according to him..well,i didnt play as well as the rematch game(i think i need to be provoked to anger then only can play well!!!maybe i shud ask sum1 to juz irritate me to death before playing any competition!!) but at least it was juz enough to beat was simple and everything was on my side..i juz took the chances that came by my way and tried to do watever i the process,my mates from rack to time off from work and training to juz come and support me..i really appreciate it guys!ceon,jason,billy,bernard!thanx guys!!i juz cant thank u guys enough for the support..FINAL SCORE:p0oL3rBuOy-9,Faizal-6
i cant believe it!!i made my first finals in like so darn long!i havent make it into the finals in any competition in such a long long time and the last time was when i was playing in the taylor's coll competition..omg!!hahahah!!"WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!"!!!who'smy opponent again in the next round?Ben Lee;Club7 representative,ex-singapore national snooker team player 2001 and a player i've beaten only once in like 8 times of playing wif him???!!?!?!"nvm la..second place oso good enuff lor.."
Final a.k.a Championship Match,p0oL3rBuOy vs Ben Lee:i went into the finals knowing i shoulder no pressure,no tension,no expectation(except from ceon), and nothing else but juz to play my game..due to the fact that i;ve beaten him only once,i didnt expect so lets juz play it..surprisingly,i took a 3-0 lead going into the first 10 minutes of the competition..he didnt play as good as he normally do so lets jus take the chance given..pots after pots,mistakes after mistakes,frames after frames,i was down 8-6 and also one frame away from losing the match..ok i thought..its alrite,second place better than losing in the second round to f**Ked up bas**rd..but he crumbled under pressure..missing balls after balls and several 9-ball,it was 8-8..we are even!!it was then i felt the pressure,the pressure to win my first major tournament!!!the first time in this match that i ever felt the pressure to deliver this title and to keep the winning run going!!ben break to win the match but unfortunately for him,i t was my turn to go to the table after a dry break!!i made a crucial shot..a huge risk in a do or die shot!!!my ears shut out all the shoutings and cheering from the crowd..i composed myself to take wat could be the final shot of the game!i took the shot and made it!!!i won!!!i finally won the game and the title and preserved Rack Cafe's winning run in club7!!!!wuahahahah!!!FINAL SCORE,p0oL3rBuOy-9,Ben Lee-8!!!!
as i lifted the trophy highly and proudly,i felt the euphoria of winning it..andto hold the grand prize of RM1000(RM500 in cash and another RM500 in club7 vouchers),that was the biggest cash prize i've ever gotten.. and there i was..proudly holding my trophy and into the trophy cabinet of Rack Cafe... and its gonna sit there for as long possible...

Grats Adrian.. Ty for upcoming YC sessions... ^^
super duper long lor ur post...
kakaka..congrats on winning tho..
no i want juz happen to be long lorr..since its a summary ma... =...(
i dun wanna write blog jor!!!*merajuk*
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