so i was there at around 5+,almost 6 to juz help out and also to make amends for me leaving early as i promised my dumb dumb that i'll be joining her for a movie cuz i missed her birthday celebration on the i had to leave around 10 to make it in time for the movie..
so anyway,as i arrived,sean,denise,joe boy,and suprisingly shu wen was there..i thought she hadnt come yea,we were bth formally introduced and the work began..the first thing i did shred chicken seems for the "cabonara" that sean was about to make..on the issue of whether our hands was clean,that i think i would pass that question..why?lets just say that hygiene wasnt the issue there.. =P
so food were being prepared..tim was working with the BBQ pit together with Marco,shu wen and denise were making shepperd's pie,joe and sean on the,u may ask??i was busy decorating the brownies joe made with the chocolate sauce..hahahaha..easy job?not at anyway,work was on and then peeps started to arrive..
soon the foods were prepared...and wat else?"ita-da-ke-mas!!!"..dont know wat it means?go check it out(hint:its the national language of the "land of the rising sun"..)
makan makan makan!!!!we were gobbling foods like BBQ-ed chicken,shepperd's pie,cabonara pasta& linguine,sausages and brownies down our throat..there was also shuwen's very own salad..wat else?if i'm not mistaken nothing else gua..
so those who were present was joe;our host of the nite(thanx a bunch joe!),shu wen,denise,sean,marco,derek,kk,marvin,khye,cindrew,tim and also i forgetting any?? *kepada yang tidak dinamai,sila maafkan penulis.tidak ada kena mengena dengan yang hidup mahupun yang sudah mampus.ia hanyalah sekadar kebodohan penulis semata mata..sila jangan menghantar surat mati(death note).hanya wang tunai dan MasterCard diterima..segala kesulitan adalah disengajakan supaya tuan tuan dan puan puan tidak menjadi lembu yang malas..Terima Kasih..*
so during the eating process,trash talking naturally made their way into the dinner accompanied by all the cursing that u ever heard in ur life..*sorry mr.thor,mrs thor..*it was natural la!dun juz point fingers at me!thank god i didnt bring it to greater heights..i juz took the liberty of starting praises plz..i feel good and proud of it..!! XD
after dinner.the wine came up..a Chardonnay 2000 and also Moscato 2006..then came Uncle Jack!!!omg..its been darn long since i last saw uncle Jack..who's uncle jack?to those who went for my pool party might juz remember,dont u Marvin?to those who didnt,Uncle Jack isnt exactly human?wat is he then??behold..UncleJack...before that,did i mentioned Uncle Johnny?It was after we finished Uncle Jack that Derek introduced us to Mr. Johnny..who is Mr. Johnny?once again,he is in the same category as Uncle Jack..
Mr. Johnny & Uncle Jack

there!!!arent they juz so handsome??i believe they are..sean did the honour of re-acting the scene where marin was holding uncle jack and embrass him in his arms..(in lay-man's term,he was drunk..)
then came the cam-whoring and also the are some pictures that was taken at the those whom find any of these photos obscene,it wasnt was done on purpose..thats the beauty man!!
The host,the host future wife(Left) and also Mrs. Sean Phuah(Right)

A very drunk derek,insane kk,and an extremely "numb" me together with uncle jack..

A very very VERY druk Marvin wif Uncle Jack(his best fren..)

this fella is sick..he needs extreme serious help..wanna know the cause?i think he juz cant bear leaving us..*awwww*

after that came cards of blackjack and i ended up losing $16!!Blardy!!!its ok..nvm..then i had to leave..b4 leaving,while makan-ing,i was being tormented by marco(idiot!) and joe(blardy!) for leaving early to go for a movie wif my taylors frens..joe was like"oh we not ur fren la now!!.fine juz leave(together wif that sympathetically phatetic face!!!)[juz kidding joe!!!]..." and coincidentally,marco said the exact same words..haiz..i cant help but juz ignore those.i'm kinda immuned to it,after knowing them for almost a year or doesnt have much effect on me,since i suffer the same thing almost everyday...
i then made my way to subang and then picked huay up from her place b4 adjourning to chris's to pick him up together wif james,and we then made our way to the was there only i realised that i didnt even know wat movie i was gonna watch..wat the hell!??!how smart can i be..?then she told me that we were watching "Night At The Museum.." was juz released on the same day we were about to did she get tickets..?

there's only few possibilities:
- The movie is as boring as my grandmother's lecture on her good ol' days..
- she booked the movie tickets like weeks b4 they were released..
- nobody knew about the existence about the movie
- every1 was stil on the holiday mood and wanted to do sumthing better than watching movie(e.g making out,mamak and other things laa..)
so which 1 could it be??lets see...i was thinking of option yea..anyway,sat down in the movie and then started watching la..
i was so god-damned wrong!!this is the most hilarious movie in the year 2006!wtf!!!how often do u see the skeletonnes of a t-rex suddenly walked around in the museum,with the charactheristics of a dog,and playing catch wif one of his bones!!?!?!?where can see the cowboys of the east going for war against the mighty old roman warriors?what other movie that shows u a humoungus rock that goes along saying,"You dumb dumb!give me gum gum!me not dumb dumb dumb!i want gum gum!!"..the fuck(in a good way of couz!)!!!this is so worth every single sen of the $10 i paid!and guess wat..i juz bought the DVD so that i could watch it over and over,AND OVER again..!!havent caught it,go catch it..its darn hilarious that brains will explode and splatter, intestines could wriggle and stomachs burst!!!hahahha!its darn wonder movies critics said"wat happens when u put owen wilson,ben stiller,and robin williams together?a whole lot of laughs..!"
p/s:i realised that you are juz fading away from my life,not only from my sight..wat was it that i did that i deserved all these?was it sumthing i said?or was it sumthing i did?or was it even sumthing i didnt do or say??
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