so anyway,since it was cancelled,spent almost my entire day at Rack..spent sum time in midvalley too,went there and picked ceon up after he went there wif bernard and billy to collect their pay..then went to meeting point in SS15 for our dinner..then back to rack when ah chin called saying that he was bringing a Hennessy VSOP for us..the sound of that made me sick cuz i'm so starting to hate drinknig liquor..once in a while yes..but i juz hate the taste..

so went back there..and ah chin came wif his drink..they drank..i didnt..i sort of drank..i only had 1 glass..and thats all..after that 1 glass,i filled it up wif coke and only coke..nothing else but that..cuz i know my limits..i stil need to drive and i know that this time around,the police will be doing road blocks to "cari makan" and so i decided not to drink so much..juz filled my 1st glass wif 10% hennessy and 90% was the coke that i was since then,it was 100% coke and 0% alcohol..hahhaa..i'm sorry guys..i juz kinda had enuff...
then talk abit of rubbish busy planning where to go for the christmas and new year's eve and also alot of trash talking..hahahha..and oso a bit of on9 chatting wif tze min..then after that ceon decided to go back and i was doing nothing besides talking trash wif him,i decided to head home..and here i am wif another post..
to those reading this,i wished u the merriest of christmas and also the happiest and bestest(does this word exist??dun care laa!!!) of the new year 2007..god bless you all always and forever be filled wif happiness..
p/s:here i am wishing you a very merry christmas with a hope that stil burns that i'll be spending christmas with you filled with beauty and a whole lot of much as i hope for it,i know it may never come true..but whatever it is,wherever you may be,merry christmas..

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